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Better data security in NOVUS network video recorders- series 6000


New version of firmware 1.4.1, used in current models of NVRs from 6000 series, provides higher level of data security and enriches the devices with a number of new functions. The network connection with client applications running on the Windows operating system is encrypted. This requires updating NMS software to version 1.44 and updating NVR-6000 Viewer application to version 3.4.5. The recorder configuration allows encryption of the recordings from HDD, which prevents it from being read by unauthorized users, e.g. by using the application for reading data from HDDs.

Another new feature that improves system security is the encryption of exported recordings saved in .dat extension. To read archived recordings the password given during export process must be entered again.

The last new security feature is 802.1x protocol support used in networks for device authentication. RTSP streams from various sources can be sent to the recorders, also from other NOVUS 6000 series NVRs. It enables the creation of remote monitoring points without the need of using PCs. The function of receiving defined alarm states regarding people counting and crowd detection has been added to the general function of image content analysis. The notification system has been enriched with a logical connection of motion detection and activation of alarm input from recorder. Also when connecting via P2P server the devices display the status of connection with the server.

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