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Efficient image compression H.265 Smart


H.265 Smart

The new firmware version 1.4.4 for the 6000 series recorders together with InGenius + 6500 series cameras allow the use of the H.265 Smart image compression system.

The high efficiency of the compression system results from the use of a dynamically variable value between the I frames depending on the type of the observed scene. For static images with slight changes in the image content, this time can be extended significantly beyond the previously used values (about 1s) up to 15 seconds. Because I-frames require the most memory, reducing their number per time unit significantly reduces the size of the transmitted stream. In addition, the technique of the virtual I frame and the double reference system allow for precise management of static and dynamic blocks. A high level of noise reduction has been achieved by separating the moving and fixed areas and assigning different reduction factors to these areas. This ensures a high level of reproduction of small details in the scene with a significant reduction of the bandwidth.
The use of H.265 Smart compression in comparison to the previously used compression algorithms H.264, H.265 and H.265 + allows for a significant reduction of the bandwidth. This value depends on the lighting conditions and the observed scene and can be up to several dozen percent in favor of the H.265 Smart. These values are true especially for high resolution cameras that generate a wide data band. It allows you to reduce the archive and data consumption when using remote access via mobile devices.

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